Asking Questions: 10 Years of Architectural Design at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy
For this book (designed by Joost Grootens) I contributed with the graphs and maps. I also created an interactive presentation of the works for the opening of the exhibition and launch of the book at NAi (Nederlands Architectuur Instituut). There
Asking Questions: 10 Years of Architectural Design at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy
For this book (designed by Joost Grootens) I contributed with the graphs and maps. I also created an interactive presentation of the works for the opening of the exhibition and launch of the book at NAi (Nederlands Architectuur Instituut). There
Mapping as a Powerful Design Research Tool
This short article was written in collaboration with David Hamers. We present mapping as a powerful design research tool and describe the use of digital technologies in mapping in my research. It was written for the Public Space Magazine of Design Academy
Mapping as a Powerful Design Research Tool
This short article was written in collaboration with David Hamers. We present mapping as a powerful design research tool and describe the use of digital technologies in mapping in my research. It was written for the Public Space Magazine of Design Academy
Introducing digital methods for on-going civic engagement for design in public space: how mining and mapping social media data can help inform spatial designers about a local context
Submitted: May 2015 This paper (publication forthcoming) was written together with Saba Golchehr. I presented the paper at University of Hasselt’s conference ‘Design, Social Media and Technology to Foster Civic Self-Organisation’ (May 2015) and at University of Utrecht for the BA course Communication in social media (November
Introducing digital methods for on-going civic engagement for design in public space: how mining and mapping social media data can help inform spatial designers about a local context
Submitted: May 2015 This paper (publication forthcoming) was written together with Saba Golchehr. I presented the paper at University of Hasselt’s conference ‘Design, Social Media and Technology to Foster Civic Self-Organisation’ (May 2015) and at University of Utrecht for the BA course Communication in social media (November
Borders and Communities
Bachelor’s thesis for the Architecture department at Gerrit Rietveld Academy (June 2004) Grenzen en Gemeenschappen : Een onderzoek naar de invloed van mobiliteit op de vorming van grenzen en gemeenschappen Eindexamenscriptie 2004 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam Naomi Bueno de Mesquita Voorwoord Inleiding 1. Geïnternaliseerde
Borders and Communities
Bachelor’s thesis for the Architecture department at Gerrit Rietveld Academy (June 2004) Grenzen en Gemeenschappen : Een onderzoek naar de invloed van mobiliteit op de vorming van grenzen en gemeenschappen Eindexamenscriptie 2004 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam Naomi Bueno de Mesquita Voorwoord Inleiding 1. Geïnternaliseerde